P1/2 Mrs Magee
First Day Smiles all round from our lovely new P1 class.
Summer Assembly 2016 - A M A Z I N G, AMAZING, AMAZING !!!
Happiest Hawaiian Hula Day - E V E R !!!
Beautiful Baby Leo - what a wee dote!
Dara's Chicks - an 'eggs'ellent time was had by all.
School Trip 2016 - JumpboxxNI & Omniplex Newry to see 'Top Cat.'
Harry's Robot - his name is 'Jamie.'
P1/2 Playing in the sunshine
P1/2 Visit to Ballymartin beach
Niamh Participated in her first Gymnastics Gala
Caitlin wins Gingerbread Man competition
Sunflower Day @ Mourne Stimulus - A F A N T A S T I C Morning
Corn Dolly Trip to see the Gingerbread Man - what a day!
Look who's 6! Happy Birthday Oisin
Look who Mrs Magee met at the 5k Colour Run!!!
We've been using 'COLLABORATE' with P7 class - it's super fun!
Numicon activities - We absolutely love them!
Trixie the Pixie Adding Activity
Measuring with cubes - predicting 1st of course!
Ava doing some super 'Sh' word work
Granny Sinead with our future pupil - Baby Boy Rooney
Harry Potter comes to Ballymartin
Local author Lucy McVeigh - Bobby Bear gets courage
Run, run, as fast as you can... You can't catch me, I'm the GINGERBREAD MAN
Story time with a twist - Mr Declan Carville (author of 'The Fairy Glen' & many more children's books)
A trip to Kilkeel Library
Happy Birthday to Caitlin
What's the time, Mr. Wolf?
Pancake Races - Ready, Steady Go!!!
Pancakes with Georgina and Hugh
Open Day 2015 - A bunch of real busy bees
Caoimhe Eyre - A Trophy for Horse Riding - W O W
Christmas Dinner 2015 - Y U M M Y
Our Favourite Fruit Pictograms
Number Rapper's Assembly - Jay Z in da House !
Maths Week - Play Your Cards Right - Ballymartin Style
Maths Week - A visit from First Trust's Mandy
Pyjama Day & a 'P' party - Yeah!!!