Home Page

P1/2 Mrs Magee

ISAK 9 - Numeracy with P7

A visit from Liam the Vet

Happy Birthday Ethan

Winter Walk around Ballymartin Village - F R E E Z I N G !!!

P2 Missing Addend Sums - they can use 2 different strategies to complete.

Counting in 2's up to 100 - using a 100 square.

Numicon Printing Time

What a day to fly a home made kite!!!

Aaron's Birthday - Minion Cake For Everybody.

A visit from NSPCC

We painted our Grandparent's - aren't they cool!

Fun with N U M I C O N

Lara's Birthday


S A T I P N Dominoes - Boy was it tricky!!!

P2 - O' Clock and Half Past

Open Day 2016

Grandparent's Maths Games Morning

Dinosaur Hunt

Dinosaur Measuring

Songs for 'Bethlehem Bandits'

07 Cool Camels Can.mp3

06 Say Goodbye.mp3

05 Sweet Virginia.mp3

04 Searching.mp3

03 Bethlehem Is Near.mp3

02 No Thank You.mp3

01 Ready Steady Go.mp3

European Language Day with Anne and Sarah from Shimna.

First Day staying for lunch and dinners.

Caoimhe's Birthday

P2 - Starting to write sentences I N D E P E N D E N T L Y

Vroom, vroom, vroom - Ourside play time!!!

Chicken Licken - Working as part of a group.

The Boys (and girls) are back in town!!!

Photo Booth First Day Fun

First Day Smiles in P1